Picking the Perfect Program

If you haven't already seen our list of all 61 graduate analytics programs in America, you'll quickly learn that there are plenty of options to pick from.

You might be tempted to look up rankings, like these ones published by TFE Times, and apply to what are supposedly the best programs in the country. While that may seem like an obvious place to start, there are a number of factors to consider when picking a program....and ranking is just one of them.

Career Placement:

Naturally, most students pursuing a Master's degree are interested in the placement opportunities provided by each university. Given the cost of many of these programs, ensuring a good return on investment is important.

With that being said, be sure to check out each university's placement rate and get a good understanding of where students are being placed. Are they typically be hired into specific industries? What companies tend to hire from the school? Those are the types of questions you want to be asking yourself. If a program's website doesn't provide these details, don't hesitate to reach out via email or by phone!

Lastly, you'll want to consider where you want to work. If you're looking to work in a particular city or region, we strongly suggest you enroll in an analytics program in the region. The placement services provided by universities are typically most succesful in placing students at companies nearby, as that's where their connections are.

Program Length:

This is one is simple, but very important. Typically analytics Master's programs are either 10 months, 1.5 years or 2 years. Are you looking to get in, get out and go back to work quickly? Make sure to look for a shorter program!

Longer programs are going to cost more and obviously prevent you from getting back to work as quickly, but they will also offer a deeper dive into different tools and analytics strategies. Also, a longer program will allow international students to complete an internship under the CPT designation, so keep that in mind.

Program Focus:

Are you looking for a very technical program? Or one that combines analytics with the business savvy necessary to implement what you've learned in a business setting? Some programs will offer a more in-depth technical experience, providing you with particularly strong programming skills, while others will focus on giving you the technical necessities while also teaching you how to use those skills to drive decision making in a business environment. What interests you most?


It's a small detail, but some programs are track-based, while others allow you to pick and choose electives as you wish. Typical tracks include operations, finance and marketing...but the possibilities are endless. If you're interested in a specific track make sure the program your considering offers it. If you prefer to combine electives from multiple different tracks, be sure to select a program that doesn't restrict you.


What perquisites does the program require? Do you have to take the GMAT/GRE or do they provide waivers to certain applicants? Is there a minimum test score or an undergraduate GPA minimum? Do they require a STEM undergraduate degree? You'll want to look into whether your university of choice has any prerequisites to make sure you are eligible to be accepted before you apply.

Also, if you're coming from a less technical background, there are certain programs that do a better job of easing students into the technical demands so you'll want to look for programs that best fit your skill set.

STEM Certification

Speaking of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), international students will want to make sure the program they are enrolling in is STEM Certfied. Most programs are, but be sure to confirm as this will make a huge difference in the career placement process.

STEM Certified program are able to offer 36 months of OPT after you graduate, meaning you can be hired and work for your employer for three full years after graduation without requiring sponsorship. This is a big jump from the typical 12 months that are offered, and will make employers more likely to conider hiring you as an international candidate, so be sure to confirm that your program is STEM Certified before applying.

As you can see, there are a variety of factors to consider when choosing a program. While it may be most tempting to simply pick the highest ranked program, the reality is that it probably isn't the best fit for you. By picking a program that fits your needs, offer coursework that interests you and provides career opportunities that align with what you're looking for you will set yourself up for success!


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